On August 5, a blistering Sunday morning, some four dozen Operation Pitch Invasion volunteers descended on a Portland Parks and Recreation storage facility in SE Portland to restore several score soccer goals to shiny, playable condition. In the course of about 4 hours, the OPI crew sorted, scraped, repainted and stored away approximately 75 goals (1 crossbar and 2 stanchions each), creating glistening white equipment where there was once a pile of rusted, dingy metal. The goals will now be used throughout the PPR soccer field inventory for the upcoming soccer season.
These repairs make the equipment look great, yes, but this wasn't just a cosmetic touch-up job. The restoration extends the life of the equipment as well. But that said, there's something nice about showing up to play a seeing the goals looking fresh.
The PPR crew laid out a barbecue lunch for the OPI volunteers, who gobbled burgers and hot dogs before rushing off to Jeld-Wen Field and the Timbers match. A job well done and a memorable day.
OPI will be back in action on August 25, restoring the fields at Clinton park. Details and volunteer sign-ups soon to be announced.
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