Operation Pitch Invasion is proud to invite you to the dedication and ribbon-cutting for Bless Field, a celebration of Portland, soccer, and community, and the dawn of a new field of dreams in Oregon's most diverse neighborhood.
- WHERE: Bless Field, at the intersection of N. Trenton St. and N. Woolsey Ave. in the New Columbia community of North Portland
- WHEN: Saturday, June 14, 10 am (arrival/coffee/schmoozing from 9:30 am)
- WHAT: Dedication and ribbon-cutting: Speakers to include representatives of the 107 Independent Supporters Trust, Portland City Council, Portland Timbers, Home Forward, and Providence Health & Services. (Approximately 1 hour total) Followed by a kick-around for the kids for whom the field was built.
- NOTE: Parking is on-street only; carpooling and public transit encouraged.
Bless Field is a 9000-square foot turf field built adjacent to the Regence Boys and Girls Club and Rosa Parks Elementary. Named for pioneering Timbers Army icon Hartmut Bless, it is designed, optimally, for teams of 10-year-olds and younger, and it will be used by several youth soccer programs currently operating in the community (it will be available to others during non-reserved hours). Bless Field will be a place where the international language of soccer and the Timbers Army's unique brand of spirit and energy will combine to welcome newcomers to the community and offer recreation and life opportunities to boys and girls who could even -- maybe someday -- play for the Timbers and Thorns at Providence Park.
The project has received support from the 107 Independent Supporters Trust, the Portland Development Commission, the Portland Timbers, Providence Health & Services, Adidas, Widmer Bros., LifeWise Health Plans of Oregon, Oregon Premiere Leagues, and other Portland-area organizations and individuals.
Bless Field is a project of Operation Pitch Invasion, a local, grass-roots charity formed to build, revitalize and maintain soccer fields throughout the Portland Metro area so that players of all ages and skill levels have high quality and safe playing surfaces to enjoy the beautiful game. Founded in 2011, OPI has done maintenance and repair work on more than one dozen Portland-area parks and schools. Bless Field is its first capital construction project. It is an Oregon public benefit nonmember, nonprofit corporation exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information, visit www.pitch-invasion.org or contact board@pitch-invasion.org.